Perspectives in non-commutative algebras:
Leavitt path algebras, Hochschild (co)homology, K-theory and related topics
Anhui University


The primary goal of this school is to provide graduate students and young researchers with a comprehensive understanding of modern algebraic methods and its applications, with a focus on representation theory, Leavitt path algebras, Hochschild (co)homology, K-theory and related topics.
The courses will provide a general view of the results which have been achieved and give a broad picture of some of the research lines which are currently being pursued. The courses will survey a range of applications including classical methods of research in certain areas and applications in other modern areas, such as geometry, topology, combinatorics, analysis and some others. Besides courses, we are also planning a few research talks and sessions devoted to solving exercises, open problems and discussions.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of:

This CIMPA school will be held at
School of Mathematical Sciences, Anhui University.
Address: No. 111 Jiulong Road, Hefei 230601, Anhui Province, China